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New Mobile Report Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz

GW Endless Waltz is a great continuum of GW. However is is a little cliche'. I liked it though it had great graphics, and the re-entry of the old charactors was well done. The diffrent fight's were good the dialoge was well written, as well as the story line its self. I feel that as a GW fan it is worth its amount which isnt really all that much. Great detail on the MS (Mobile Suits) the story goes like this. There's a new threat against the peace that Relena and the others just obtained and it, of all people, is Marimaia Kushranata (I hope I spelled that right sorry if I didnt) the daughter of Triez. She kiddnaps Relena and uses her for her political power and as a symol because of the peoples love and willingness to follow her. During this the other gundums are faceing their own problems. you see they
must fight her army with out the gunduns. Quatra sent them into the sunt hinking they wouldnt need them int his new world of peace. its a year later by the way A.C 196 (After Coloney). Quatra and the maganacs, his faithful followers, went for them though so it wont be too longbefore they get them
back dont worry. There is a traitor for a while kinda soul searching. I wont say who. and at the same time as this is going on they are each facing their past. This movie not only gives a great story but gives a glimps into the past of all our fav GW charactors. Again I give the Endless Waltz two thumbs
up and I recomend it to any MS fans from any of the diffrent shows. I wont go on to tell you the end I know that makes some people really mad so enjoy!

Review by: Minka.L