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Contact info:
A-Do not contact me asking ot use my images, all the info regarind my images can be  found under "Policies"
B-I cannot host lots of MP3's on my site, so dont ask for them, I am on WINMX about 50% of the day and you can get all my music off there, I am "Apocalypse_Now(Redux)999
C-If you want to submit any fan-related works, here are the rules:
    1-No same-sex stories/art
    2-no hentai
    3-no stories that are all about sex, it can have sex in it, but it shouldt account for 90% of the story, remember, I read/view all fan-work.
    4-if it meets these guidleines, feel free to send it to Ro'Eh Ro'Dan
D-PLEASE do not IM me, I dont appreciate that, e-mail me first and ask permission.
E-if you can abide by these rules, feel free to e-mail me at Ro'Eh Ro'Dan
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