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Tenchi Muyo(general sumamry of all)
       The first anime I saw that was actually supposed to be funny, and it was! I've seen animes where some guy is being overwhelmed by all the women who like him but this one made it all work. All of the large-brested women that seem to flock around Tenchi would be a godsend to most people but to Tenchi, it's a bad thing Your main characters are the Space-Pirate Ryoko, Pricess Ayeka, Princess Sasami-Ayeaka's younger sister, Galaxy Police Detective Mihoshi, and the evil genius Washuu. Like most people Tenchi lead a semi-normal life with a forbidden cave not to far from his grandpa's shrine. This cave is said to hold a legendary demon-Ryoko-in an attempt to see what is really inside the cave, Tenchi steals to keys that unlock the gate inside the cave. Inside is supposed magical sword that can ctu trhough stone. Useing this rusy old thing he is somehow able to cut a rock in half that opens a hidden passage leading to where Ryoko is imprisoned. Somehow by his mere presence in the cave, the semi-rotting ryoko moves in a frail attempt to kiss Tenchi. From here this go from weird to really weird. The next day tenchi falls asleep on the roof of his school and when he awakes he finds a fully regenerated Ryoko waiting for him. The first real words you hear from Ryoko other than "no" is "All I want now is revenge!" Ryoko procedes to form a lightsaber thing and chase tenchi all around the school destroying most of everything in an attempt to kill him. After tenchi has somehow escaped Ryoko materilizes in fron of him and continues to charge him. Unwittingly she opens herself up to an attack, which Tenchi's sword, also called Tenchi, takes control of his arm and slices off Ryoko's hand. Ryoko regenerates here hand and then disapears into the ground. As the story progresses Ryoko is still trying to get the gems back from Tenchi, Ayeaka shows up and keeps trying to marry him, Sasami appears and cooks for him, Mihoshi arrives and fails to caputre Ryoko, so she stays at Tenchi's house for more then her welcome. About the 4th episode Washuu appears and does her favorite thing in the world, expiment on Tenchi!! To achive whatever he's trying to achive, Tenchi goes on crazy missions eliminateing all the enimies along his way with extreme sillyness.