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Black Magic M-66
Not much to say about this show, it was more or less of a movie than an episode from a series. Starts off with you hearing about this secret military transport of these new androids(whichc isnt too secret all of a sudden) and you meet your news reporter who runs out of her home with her camera, but not her clothes, there isnt any nudity though, it's covered by her legs or arms, but you get the idea. Thes new robots are called the "Mario-66" thus the name M-66 dont ask where they get the Black Magic part, there is absolutly no fantasy of any kind here, no magic of any sort. Somehow these robots ecaped, and still have their basic programming installed, which as an ironic turn of events, is to kill the daughter of the scientist who created them. Go figure. anyway, it turns out that this reporter you met earlier(I cant remember her name) finds out about this and in the process of the show is constantly trying to save this scientists daughter, and these stupid robots dont finally die untill one self-destructs, and the other gets smashed when it falls off a collapsing building where our heroine's battle finished out. So, overall, kinda good for just a 1 hour movie thingy, but it really kinda throws you into the middle of something, like if you took 5 miniutes of an random person's hour long phonecall, it really has alot of unanswered stuff.