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3x3 Eyes
Ok. Here's an intersting anime. Something new for a change. Well here goes. 3x3 eyes starts off with the demon girl names Sanja(spelled how it sounds) and her not creepy other personality is this girl who's very simple minded but both Pie and Sanja want to become human. and to do this they must find a little statue called the(forgot wat it was called) which will make Pie human. But because using their deom magic Sanja and her kind become weak after a fight and cannot always defend themselves. So the make a person immortal and call them a Woo. The Woo defends, or in this case distracts the enemy long enough for the demon to recover. Now I cant remember much about this, but it was pretty intersting, mostly about the demon Sanja who's personality shows up in the form of a third eye in the center of Pie's forehead. So this anime is a short series, about 12 eps, of the adventures of Pie and her Woo, whos name is Yakumo. But all it all it was a pretty good anime and is worth at least one watch.

As if the first half of the show isn't weird enough, the second part gets even stranger. At the last ep of the first part Sanja goes and fights Binaris, the really creepy and powerful Woo of the main bad-guy, whom you never see in the show except for in dreams. Now somehow in this battle Sanja is beaten up pretty good, but it looks like Binaris is also destroyed, he's immortal so it dosent matter anyway, and this snake subject of Binaris' called Owashu(sp) and becomes a litle diamond shapped thing that gets placed on Pie's forehead, and seals away the Sanja mind and memory. Along with 2 other diamond things that make her forget her entire memory. The catch is is that the diamond memory-lock thing only seals away 1 mind(Sanja) so the mind Owashu gets merged with Pie's mind and you get this new personality that is not the snake's or Pies and she is found by a couple of old people who take her in(since she has no memory) and treat her like their own graddaughter. This is Pa-vo. Now 4 years later Yakumo, who is definately stronger, is searching for Pie/Sanja who is Pa-vo, and he sees Pa-vo's picture in a dirty magazine(no nudity) realizes it's her but since she cant remember him it's more of a, it sounds familiar but I cant quite remember. All sorts of things about Sanja's past come out in this part, Pie never does become human though. Owashu finally unposseses Pie, who becomes Sanja completly, and then a while later Pa-vo, awakes in a hospital and her hair is brown now(you never see her eyes) but this Pa-vo is actually a Pie-Owashu personality combo(Owashu as the girl not the snake). Anyway, the roles kind of reverse here, Yakumo is protecting Pa-vo/Sanja/Pie and he joins up with all these people who help him get to the "holy" land of the Sanja-unkura, the race Sanja was of(duhh). There are all kinds of weird demons following them around, one is this little girl who turns into a freaky 15 foot tall 4-armed furry-legged monstrosity at the sound of a whistle or at will. But acts like a dog the rest of the time. Looks like an elf. A treasure hunter joins them along the way and sorta helps, I dont really know how, but he does, and live through it all. Yakumo is still Sanja's Woo, I think, and he finds Owashu/Pie at the end and since he's in love with her starts following here again. In a way Pie does become human, just in a different body, and with a somewhat different personality. Parts pf Pie's personality show up in Owashu, namly bad grammar and talking from third person point of view EX: "Pie will stay with Yakumo forever!" Woah, thats the longest summary I've written so far, well, it's a good show, interesting, but if you want an anime with more blood than an army has. It's a good one for that. But I still would watch it again, at least the second half anyway.