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There are many types of anime fan, but only some are true otakus.

True Otaku - This anime fan is a real anime fan. They watch a wide variety of anime, possibly even ecchi or hentai occasionally. They want to get all the merchandise for their favourite anime and go to regular anime conventions. They spend all their computer time looking at anime websites. They are proud that they are part of an anime minority, and will never leave anime even if it went "out of fashion" in the UK or the USA.
The Inbetweener - This is the kind of person who likes animes because they're cool, they're not a true otaku because to them anime is a priority, but not the priority.  Thye have other things to do, but if gevn the chance, they'll watch animes.  They dont like everythign they ever see like a true Otaku but nor do they dismiss it as kiddy-junk.  The Inbetweener is an undecided fan who likes anime, but dose not love it, but nore do they hate it.
"Just a fad" - These people are the people who think all anime is just kiddy anime such as Sailor Moon, Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh. They think anime is a childs fad that came and went as they got older. They've moved on from cartoons now on to real movies.
Perverts - People who call themselves otakus simply because they watch hentai all the time. Urotsukidoji, Adventure Duo/Kid and La Blue Girl are not "anime works of art" and watching them certainly doesn' make you an anime fan.
Fan Types provided by Manga-Anime Online, and modified by me, because thre's more than just Pervs, Otakus and disbelievers.